Export Business in Nigeria

Export Business in Nigeria.

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50 Commodities Export in Nigeria

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Nigeria is a blessed country with so much mouth watering natural wealth forging resources in the world. You might be wondering what am I saying? well apart from the oil generation capacity of the country, Nigeria export products like the itemized 50 commodities, are assuring ways to alleviate poverty in the country.

This is why the Nigerian Export Promotional Council (NEPC) has been encouraging Nigerian industrialist, business men and women and agriculturalist to tap into the agro-allied produce of the nation as the dwindling down fall of Naira to Dollar and fuel scarcity in the country is dilapidating the economy.

It should be in periods like this that the non-oil sector investments should bloom, but due to lack of enthusiastic and self motivated Nigerians, the country may not see a turn around from its presence sole dependency on oil produce.

Most people tend to forget the merits of entrepreneurship but today I am going to shed some light to the step by step requirement you will need to be able to start an export from Nigeria business focusing on the 50 commodities itemized below.

To get started with export business in Nigeria, you need to:

  • Know how the market works,
  • Documentation,
  • Licensing,
  • Port procedures,
  • Legal international protocols,
  • Product sourcing

You will need to have a registered business name with Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC), because if you are not registered and archived by them, to do business with the outside world (foreign partners) might be dicey as this is a red flag for scam.

You will need to register with the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) since you will be doing business under non-oil exportation, further more this will make you look more genuine to your foreign partners.

Other Documents Needed For Export From Nigeria

  • A completed Form NXP issued by Nigerian Custom Service
  • A pro forma invoice. An estimated invoice sent by a seller to a buyer in advance of shipment or delivery of goods. It contains information such as transportation charges and quantity of goods with their values
  • Sales agreement and NEPC Registration Certificate (where applicable)
  • Relevant certificate of quantity as issued by relevant agencies
  • Shipping documents like bill of exit, bill of landing, etc.


50 In-Demand Nigeria Export Products:

Food Items:

  1. Palm Oil
  2. Vegetables (Fresh/Dry)
  3. Melon (Egusi)
  4. Ogbono Seeds
  5. Cashew Nut
  6. Ginger
  7. Garlic
  8. Zobo Leave
  9. Yam
  10. Plantain
  11. Pepper
  12. Cocoa
  13. Bitter Cola
  14. Cola Nut
  15. Garri
  16. Dried Fish
  17. Yam Flour
  18. Cassava Flour
  19. Plantain Flour
  20. Coco Yam
  21. Walnut
  22. Palm Fruit (Banga)
  23. Bread Fruit ( Ukwa)
  24. Aligator Pepper
  25. Local Seasoning
  26. Locust Beans
  27. Beans
  28. Local Rice
  29. Crayfish
  30. Ground Nut
  31. Edible Local Chalks (Nzu)
  32. Sesame
  33. Millet
  34. Soybeans
  35. Locust Beans
  36. Snails/Periwinkles
  37. Crabs/Shrimps



  1. Herbal Products (Medicine/Soap)
  2. Tiger Nuts
  3. Hibiscus  Flower
  4. Moringa Seed
  5. Donkey Skin
  6. Nigerian Made Shoes (Aba Made Shoes)
  7. Nigerian Made Fabrics (Adire, Akwete, Aso Oke, etc.)
  8. Shea Butter


Solid Minerals

  1. Bitumen
  2. Char Coal
  3. Lime Stone
  4. Iron Ore
  5. Lead Zinc
  6. Kaolin


Arts and Craft

  1. Locally Designed Beeds
  2. Home Video/Audio Cds
  3. Locally Published Books
  4. Broom
  5. Locally Made Weaves

If you need any further assistance with your export business please do not hesitate to be in touch with us @ Triple A Freight Forwarder Limited we are your best affordable choice for shipping, clearing and forwarding agent at NACHO Muritala Mohammed Airport Lagos, we can manage all routes and logistics of your business needs. You can visit our website at http://www.tripleafreightforwarder.com or call us on 07046835137

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Tosin Daramola

I am a licensed clearing agent with the experience in the freight and forwarding industry, my expertise covers all areas of custom works and am hard working individual that provide all the consulting needed for my clients successful clearance of goods. You can reach me via 234-8099050213 and read more about my experience and job handlings on this blog, which will shed more light to how you can select and manage your freights or consignments with us.

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