How To Start Importation Business in Nigeria

How To Start Importation Business in Nigeria.

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How To Start Importation Business in Nigeria.

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Are you interested in knowing how to start your own importation business in Nigeria? then you have come to the right place for information. With over 180 million people in the country there is no way starting a mini importation business can't be one of the most successful business opportunities in Nigeria. 

Well now that you can perform such things like online importation business in Nigeria you can easily cut down the cost of traveling to such countries and even remove extra expense such as commission earnings from middle men or so called business agents, which means you end up with more profit than expected.

With the introduction of online shopping sites you can easily order goods from manufacturing companies directly from websites and import them in bulk, even buy some items as samples to first test run the business idea.

You can start a mini importation business in Nigeria with little capital of N200,000.00  to medium investment as N1 million and more, depending on the kind of commodity you want to import and sell to your target customers or consumers.

There are e-commerce sites where you can meet sole companies for importation business, patronizing their products or solicit for partnership, we have such online shops that can serve as platforms.

Importation Platform: These are the most trusted e-commerce sites, where you can import goods at affordable prices and resell at a profitable price. The most reliable shopping portals, which I recommend:

  1. ————————————————–[100% safe)
  2. also the same as —–[100% safe]
  3. expensive shipping (recommend working with a Nigerian import agent [Triple A Freight Forwarder])
  4. I rarely use this but it is also safe——[70%]

The funniest thing is that, this two big Nigeria middle sellers ( and ) buy from this same import sellers and after adding there profit, they sell to you online.

Now if you are considering importing in bundled up products via an agent in Nigeria then you might consider the following points;

Important Shipping Documents Needed for importation:

For formal trade goods, you will need a proforma invoice and FORM M. These documents can be arranged in a single working day.

How long before your goods are shipped?

Shipping by sea freight can last for up to 3 months while air freight can reach you within 3 – 7 working days, except when there are alterations and cancelation.

Everything in business needs to undergo feasibility study and field research, below we have helped you remove the headaches of what can you import to Nigeria by providing you with the most suitable goods you can import;

Some hot selling goods you can start online importation business in Nigeria

  1. Candle (With Sweet Fragrance Used For Decorations)
  2. Power Bank: Nobody likes carrying a smartphone without empty battery.
  3. Memory Cards: To save those precious files.
  4. Apple: Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away. We love apples!
  5. Ear Phones: For music lovers
  6. Decoder: DSTV, Startimes, Gotv, etc.
  7. Screen Guard: To protect your screen
  8. Car Trackers: When you need to track your unsuspecting driver’s whereabouts.
  9. Wireless Server: You know what it is. All things wireless.
  10. Hair Extensions: Ladies love their hair extensions.
  11. Games: To keep boredom at bay.
  12. Wrist Watches: To monitor their tight schedule.
  13. Camera: Who doesn’t need to capture beautiful moments such as weddings, birthdays, seminars, etc.?
  14. Chargeable Lamps/Solar Lamps: Because of epileptic power supply by PHCN.
  15. Printers: Because people need to print documents and business cards.
  16. Scanners: To scan documents in offices.
  17. Phone Screens: To protect smartphone screens from cracking when it falls on the floor.
  18. Beehives: For bee farmers.
  19. Vacuum Cleaners: To clean the homes of the nouveau rich.
  20. Books (Textbooks): Because every student needs notebooks to pour in the knowledge they learn daily.
  21. CCTV Cables: Needed to secure a location from theft.
  22. CCTV Cameras: Security cameras – banks, hotels, and businesses need this.
  23. Projectors: For summits, events, seminars and demo presentations.
  24. Phone Panels: It’s a no-brainer, really.
  25. Clothes: To look good and confident.
  26. Shoes: We all need shoes on our feet.
  27. Fashion Bags: Nigerian ladies love to own one in their wardrobe.
  28. Fabrics: for looking good at owambe parties.
  29. Beddings: to make our sleep more comfortable.
  30. New Under Garments: We need to feel good.
  31. Lawn Mowing Machines: For maintaining beautiful gardens and lawns across homes and cities.
  32. Fumigating Machines: To keep those annoying pests at bay in offices and homes.
  33. Computer Accessories: a must-have for a functional computer or laptop.
  34. Cookers: So our wives, aunties and mothers can keep serving us those delicious meals without stress.
  35. Electric Bulbs: Let there be light in our homes and offices! Nobody loves groping in the dark.
  36. Motor Parts: So our cars remain on the roads and not in the garage. Even mechanics need those.
  37. Tricycle Parts: For our Keke Marwa/tricycle owners to remain in the transportation business.
  38. Generator Parts: Until our electricity becomes constant, we will continue to buy generators.
  39. Motorcycle Parts: For our millions of Okada riders.
  40. Electronic Home Appliances: For a fully functional home and happy housewife.
  41. Car Batteries: “I love it when my car battery refuses to start”, said no car owner ever.
  42. Car Stereos: For car owners to listen to while caught up in traffic jams.
  43. Electrical Equipment: For powering the nation’s energy resources.
  44. Clinical Equipment: For medical treatment and surgical operations.
  45. Musical Instruments: For our music artists to entertain their adoring fans.
  46. Building Materials: For building construction companies and landlords.
  47. Female Make-Up Kits: Because our ladies love their makeup to be on fleek!
  48. Sports Kits: For sportsmen and women and lovers of fitness.
  49. Laboratory Equipment: For the medical and health care industries.
  50. New Toys: Both kids and adults need toys for various reasons.

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Tosin Daramola

I am a licensed clearing agent with the experience in the freight and forwarding industry, my expertise covers all areas of custom works and am hard working individual that provide all the consulting needed for my clients successful clearance of goods. You can reach me via 234-8099050213 and read more about my experience and job handlings on this blog, which will shed more light to how you can select and manage your freights or consignments with us.

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